Systems Saved Me® Podcast Double Your Revenue with Email Marketing - Part 1 - Systems Saved Me®

Episode 413

Double Your Revenue with Email Marketing - Part 1

Published on: 27th January, 2025

Are you looking to double your email list without relying on social media? Jenn Green takes the reins this week, sharing her insights on effective email marketing strategies. She emphasizes the importance of focusing on email over social media, highlighting data that demonstrates how email marketing yields significantly higher engagement and conversion rates. Jenn explains her approach to creating mini, medium, and large lead magnets to attract quality subscribers at different stages of their buyer journey. By promoting your lead magnets as vigorously as your main offerings, you can significantly grow your list and ultimately increase your revenue. Tune in for actionable tips and strategies that can transform your email marketing efforts.

More About Jenn Green:

Meet Jenn Green, certified funnel pro, copywriter, and your soon-to-be list-building bestie. She helps service-based businesses double their revenue with emails because when women make more money they change the freaking world. She's helped business owners break through income plateaus, even crush $100K+ launches, and fall in love with email marketing (yes, it’s possible!).

Jenn's Website

Jenn's Freebies

Jenn's Facebook

Jenn's Instagram

Jenn's LinkedIn

Jenn's Threads

Jenn's YouTube


00:12 - Growing Your Email List

02:01 - The Power of Email Marketing vs Social Media

10:46 - The Three Stages of Email Marketing

12:35 - Strategies for Effective Lead Magnets

22:01 - The Importance of Lead Magnets in Email Marketing

Jordan Gill:

Welcome to the System Sammy podcast.

Jordan Gill:

I am your usual host, Jordan Gill.

Jordan Gill:

But this season I'm so pumped to share my feed with some absolute gems from my community.

Jordan Gill:

So everyone and their mom wants to grow their email list this year.

Jordan Gill:

All right.

Jordan Gill:

Because have you all been seeing the cray cray going on with the social media platforms right now?

Jordan Gill:

Like, what is happening?

Jordan Gill:

Can we just maybe go back to sharing our breakfast every day?

Jordan Gill:

Like, what?

Jordan Gill:

What was so wrong with that?

Jordan Gill:

Kind of half joking, but today's episode is being hosted by Jen Green and she's going to be telling you how you can truly double your email list without social media.

Jordan Gill:

And not in a way that's bashing social media at all, but just in a way that shows you what's possible.

Jordan Gill:


Jordan Gill:

So she breaks down the numbers as well as her small, medium and large lead magnet strategy for you to swipe.

Jordan Gill:


Jordan Gill:

So get super pumped to hear Jen speak about doubling your email list.

Jordan Gill:

Part 1.

Jen Green:


Jen Green:


Jen Green:

System saved me.

Jen Green:


Jen Green:

I am so pumped to be borrowing the microphone from Jordan for the next two weeks to talk all things email marketing.

Jen Green:

My name is Jen Green.

Jen Green:

I'm an ocean loving, mocha latte drinking, reality TV obsessed email marketing strategist and copywriter.

Jen Green:

I help women double their revenue with emails because I think when women make more money, we change the fricking world.

Jen Green:

So let's go.

Jen Green:

For the next two weeks, I'm going to talk all things email marketing.

Jen Green:

Here's what I want you to do.

Jen Green:

Before we even get started, I want you to go pour yourself a cup of tea or a coffee, whatever your jam is.

Jen Green:

I want you to grab a notebook, grab a pen, because this is email marketing gold.

Jen Green:

We're going to move fast and furious.

Jen Green:

So I want to make sure you can take pauses, you can write things down as you go.

Jen Green:

When I was mapping out these episodes and thinking of all the things I wanted to tell you, I had to obviously rein it in because I get a little bit excited or a lot a bit excited.

Jen Green:

So I needed to figure out where I was gonna start.

Jen Green:

And the best place to start is always with data.

Jen Green:

I had this great coach who introduced this phrase to me and I'll never stop using it, which is data over drama.

Jen Green:

So that's what I want to introduce to you in these first five minutes of the episode.

Jen Green:

Let's look at email marketing data versus social media media data.

Jen Green:

Because if email marketing has a super villain, it is social media.

Jen Green:

I get it.

Jen Green:

Social media is fun.

Jen Green:

It's flashy.

Jen Green:

You get that instant dopamine Hit.

Jen Green:

And you don't really get that with emails.

Jen Green:

So let's start to look at why you should be focusing on your emails and not your social media with your precious, precious marketing time.

Jen Green:

Let's start with open rate versus view rate.

Jen Green:

I'm going to make all these numbers super easy on you.

Jen Green:

If you don't love math, that's okay.

Jen Green:

I'm gonna try and pause and breathe cause I get super excited about it.

Jen Green:

Let's start and imagine that you have a thousand people on your email list and you have a thousand people on your social media.

Jen Green:

Let's say it's Instagram.

Jen Green:

We'll just use that as the best example.

Jen Green:

It's the easiest.

Jen Green:

So if you have a thousand people on your email list, your open rate should be at least 35%.

Jen Green:

So that means if you have a thousand people on your email list, 350 people are seeing that email.

Jen Green:

Now let's look at social media.

Jen Green:

If you have a thousand people on your Instagram who follow you, that view rate typically industry wise is 4%.

Jen Green:

That means 40 people.

Jen Green:

So 350 with email marketing versus 40 with social media.

Jen Green:

Let's move on to the click through rate.

Jen Green:

That's really important in emails because that means people are clicking over to the thing you are trying to sell them or the thing you're trying to give them.

Jen Green:

Click through rate for emails standard is about 2.9.

Jen Green:

I always want my clients to be at 4% or higher out of those 350 people who saw your email.

Jen Green:

If 4% are people clicking over to your sales page, that's 14 people seeing your sales page.

Jen Green:

Now if we look at social media, your view rate was at 40 people.

Jen Green:

That click rate for link in bio industry Standard is at 1.36.

Jen Green:

You know what that means?

Jen Green:

1.36% of 40 people is 0.5 of a human.

Jen Green:

All right, that's not even a full person.

Jen Green:

That's no bueno right from the get go.

Jen Green:

Now let's talk about conversion rate from that click through.

Jen Green:

So people who actually see either the freebie that you're sending them to or the sales page that you're sending them to, your conversion rate on emails, the standard is 8%.

Jen Green:

I like to get it up to between 10 and 20%.

Jen Green:

That's what we tweak.

Jen Green:

That converts to one to two people for every email that you send.

Jen Green:

Now let's look at social media.

Jen Green:

I know we're working with like half of a human right now.

Jen Green:

Based on how many people have seen, how many people have linked to bio.

Jen Green:

So 3% of the people who click on your link in bio either to a sales page or to a freebie, obviously your freebie is going to have a higher conversion rate because it's free is 3%.

Jen Green:

3% of half a human is now like 0.01 of a human.

Jen Green:

So we don't even get one sale from a thousand social media subscribers or followers, whereas we get at least 1 to 2 in your email list.

Jen Green:

Okay, I understand that your email list has some disadvantages.

Jen Green:

It's limited to the people who sign up to your list.

Jen Green:


Jen Green:

When you post something on social media, there is the chance that you go viral.

Jen Green:

There is absolutely the chance that a whole bunch of people share it and it gets seen.

Jen Green:

You hear these stories all the time.

Jen Green:

The truth is, that is so rare.

Jen Green:

And chasing again, that dopamine hit is actually wasting time in your marketing when you could be spending the time shooting all these reels, trying to go viral, trying to get people to follow you on your email list and setting it up properly for that higher conversion rate.

Jen Green:

You're gonna see more money in your bank account.

Jen Green:

If every time you send an email, and that's once a week, you've got a thousand subscribers on your list, your program is, let's say 997 and you get one to two people, that means you're making a thousand dollars to $2,000 every single week, every single time that you send an email.

Jen Green:

Whereas if you're posting and posting and posting and posting, it's just going to take more time.

Jen Green:

I don't want to vilify social media entirely.

Jen Green:

I understand why people are on it again.

Jen Green:

It's easy, easier to like something really quickly than it is to get an email address.

Jen Green:

It's easier for someone to follow you than for them to enter their email address.

Jen Green:

People are getting savvier.

Jen Green:

They don't want a bunch of emails in their inbox.

Jen Green:

Everyone sees the negative of that.

Jen Green:

Everyone's like, yeah, but it's so hard to get email addresses.

Jen Green:

My flip that on the head is that, yes, it is.

Jen Green:

But when someone lands on your list, you know that they are already warm.

Jen Green:

They already trust you to give you a valuable piece of real estate, which is their email address that people are being more and more precious about as days goes on.

Jen Green:

The other objection.

Jen Green:

I hear about email marketing all of the time.

Jen Green:

And I actually got this mostly from my audience when I polled them.

Jen Green:

I asked them, why are you spending more time on socials than on email marketing?

Jen Green:

Especially because you follow me and I'm Constantly telling you to send more emails and spend less time on socials.

Jen Green:

The number one response I got was that social media was more fun.

Jen Green:

Okay, I hear you dancing around your room to songs that you love, posting those little hooks, creating those graphics absolutely can be more fun.

Jen Green:

I get it.

Jen Green:

So here's what I'm going to encourage you to do.

Jen Green:

I am going to encourage you to have more fun with your emails.

Jen Green:

on investment with emails is:

Jen Green:

That's right.

Jen Green:

That's a massive return on investment.

Jen Green:

So I want you to think of email marketing kind of like working out.

Jen Green:

Do we all love to Netflix binge?

Jen Green:


Jen Green:

But do we know that we need to get up off the couch every once in a while and work out?

Jen Green:

Yes, we do.

Jen Green:

If you hate running and the only way that you knew how to do fitness was to run, of course you're not going to do it.

Jen Green:

You're going to sit on the couch and you're going to Netflix binge, because that is way more fun.

Jen Green:

But let's say all of a sudden you discover Pilates and you love Pilates, and Pilates is nothing like running.

Jen Green:

Running is what you always thought fitness was.

Jen Green:

Pilates all of a sudden opens up this whole new avenue for you to get into fitness.

Jen Green:

Now you can Netflix binge and you can work out, and you love both things.

Jen Green:

That's what I want to pitch to you when it comes to email marketing and social media.

Jen Green:

So you can still dance around your room to songs that you love.

Jen Green:

You can create those hooks and those graphics.

Jen Green:

How about bringing some of that lightness to email marketing?

Jen Green:

Create fun graphics.

Jen Green:

Find fun gifs.

Jen Green:

Find hilarious emojis.

Jen Green:

Find memes that you want to share.

Jen Green:

You could create a meme out of yourself dancing around the room if you wanted to.

Jen Green:

You can create little Easter eggs for people to find in your emails.

Jen Green:

You can create polls so that people are touching buttons.

Jen Green:

And again, you're getting that dopamine hit that you get from socials when people like your stories.

Jen Green:

How do you make emails more fun for yourself so that you can stay consistent?

Jen Green:

And at the end of the day, you can get that return on investment.

Jen Green:

All I wanted to do in this intro section is explain to you that data over drama, numbers don't lie.

Jen Green:

Yes, the drama is that social media is more fun for a lot of people.

Jen Green:

The drama is that you get that immediate dopamine hit or that immediate feedback with a like or a share or a comment, and you don't necessarily get that with your emails.

Jen Green:

But the data states time and time again that when it comes to making money in your business, email marketing is where it's at.

Jen Green:

Now that I've convinced you that email marketing is not only going to give you the highest return on investment, but that you can also have fun with it.

Jen Green:

Now I want to talk to you about the three stages of email marketing.

Jen Green:

Grow your list, nurture your list, and then sell to your list.

Jen Green:

And it is really key that every single business owner works in each of these buckets.

Jen Green:

Grow, nurture, sell.

Jen Green:

So what does that look like?

Jen Green:

Let's break that down for the rest of this episode.

Jen Green:

We're going to talk grow.

Jen Green:

This is one of my favorite parts of email marketing because you can get really, really granular and you can get super creative.

Jen Green:

The truth is, the more people you have on your list, the more things you're going to sell.

Jen Green:

There's a difference between quality subscribers and people who are just on your list for free stuff.

Jen Green:


Jen Green:

But if we're talking about those data overdrama numbers that we addressed at the beginning of this episode, then we know that the more people you have on your list, the more you're going to sell.

Jen Green:

And that is why you have a business to make some frickin money.

Jen Green:

That's what we want.

Jen Green:

Let's talk twofold.

Jen Green:

One, about lead magnets.

Jen Green:

If you just rolled your eyes, I totally understand.

Jen Green:

Everyone says have a lead magnet.

Jen Green:

No one really tells you what it is or what it does.

Jen Green:

I'm gonna help you with that.

Jen Green:

And then number two, we're gonna talk about all of the ways in which you can creatively use those lead magnets to grow your list.

Jen Green:

Because also people think, well, I built a lead magnet and nobody came.

Jen Green:

Unfortunately, that's not how this works.

Jen Green:

You need to be promoting your lead magnet as much as you are promoting your things that you're selling.

Jen Green:

When you think about your content overall, you need to think of where that lead magnet plays in to your sales system because you need to sell that lead magnet in order to grow your list.

Jen Green:

Let's start with the lead magnet strategy that I use with all of my clients.

Jen Green:

This has led to five figure and six figure launches.

Jen Green:

Because they have been able to grow their lists with quality subscribers.

Jen Green:

They know exactly where they are in terms of how close they are to buying and they utilize that information to make more sales.

Jen Green:

For every offering that you have, I want you to create three lead magnets.

Jen Green:

Number one, a mini lead magnet that looks like a checklist or a mini workbook or like a five minute meditation, whatever.

Jen Green:

Your business is something that's only going to take them a short amount of time to digest and to put into place in their life.

Jen Green:

Then I want you to build a medium lead magnet.

Jen Green:

Now this is a little bit more in depth.

Jen Green:

This is like a quiz, maybe a five day challenge, a bigger workbook.

Jen Green:

It could be also like a three to five day mini, mini course that's really going to get into kind of the first steps of your process.

Jen Green:

Then we head to a large lead magnet.

Jen Green:

A large lead magnet is usually a masterclass, a webinar, a full on ebook, a white paper.

Jen Green:

Again just depending on what your business is and who you're targeting.

Jen Green:

So think mini, medium, large.

Jen Green:

Why do I say this?

Jen Green:

Because buyer psychology, not everyone, when they see you, whether that's on social media, by your SEO, by your YouTube, whatever way someone comes into contact with your business, not all of them are at the same buying stage.

Jen Green:

We know this, right?

Jen Green:

Some people research, research, research for months on end and then they make a decision.

Jen Green:

Some people are impulse shoppers.

Jen Green:

They see you one time and they hit that add to cart button.

Jen Green:

And then we have those people who are like, ooh, I know I have this problem, I know how to solve it.

Jen Green:

Do I want to hire this person or this person?

Jen Green:

When you have a mini, medium and large lead magnet, that gives you a really good indication of where they are in that buyer's journey.

Jen Green:

A mini lead magnet is probably going to take more time to convert.

Jen Green:

If they're like, I just need to fill out a checklist phase, then they're going to take a little bit longer.

Jen Green:

They're going to need a little bit more education and a little bit more time to make the decision that you are the person that is going to solve the problem that they have and that you're the person that they trust to do so.

Jen Green:

If they're into a medium lead magnet, they're usually much more problem aware and are just shopping around for the right person.

Jen Green:

So that's going to be a little bit more about vibes and again about your like framework or your process that you take people through.

Jen Green:

Now with your large lead magnet, your masterclass or your webinar or your ebook, something that's really in depth, that kind of lays out a massive part of your framework that gives away even a section of your course or offering for free.

Jen Green:

Those people are hot, hot leads.

Jen Green:

They are wanting to solve their problem.

Jen Green:

You know how we know this?

Jen Green:

Because they are willing to dedicate at least an hour to two to three hours to an entire week devouring that large lead magnet.

Jen Green:

Usually their pain point is a little higher to the surface and they are wanting something to solve this problem immediately.

Jen Green:

That is why I break everything down into many medium and large lead magnets.

Jen Green:

It gives us the best indication we have of where your buyer is in that journey and what type of buyer they are.

Jen Green:

Next week, I'm going to talk about the funnels that need to follow those mini, medium and large lead magnets.

Jen Green:

That is enough for you to kind of take away and process for this week in terms of lead magnets themselves.

Jen Green:

Moving on to the second step, which is advertise your freebie like your business depends on it.

Jen Green:

Because it does.

Jen Green:

You need to be promoting your freebie and your lead magnet as much as you're promoting your services or your courses.

Jen Green:

How do you do that?

Jen Green:

This is, I think, where people get stumped because it feels exhausting and it feels like everything's been done.

Jen Green:

Yes, there are tried and true methods.

Jen Green:

Yes, there are creative ways to do this.

Jen Green:

I'm gonna list five of my favorite ways to promote a lead magnet.

Jen Green:

This is the one everybody knows about.

Jen Green:

This is the one that a lot of businesses who are further along use, which is ads.

Jen Green:

I'm gonna get this one out of the way because I know that people are gonna shut down the moment I say ads.

Jen Green:

But it is a really great way to hit a target audience.

Jen Green:

Have them enter your business with a mini, medium or large and give you an indication of how close they are to buying so ads.

Jen Green:

If that is financially out of the realm for you, which it is for a lot of people, let's move on to some free options.

Jen Green:

The easiest way to get your lead magnet out there is to put your lead magnet on every other single piece of content that you create in your business.

Jen Green:

That includes the header of your website.

Jen Green:

That includes on your about page.

Jen Green:

That means creating a free resources page right on your website that will have your mini, medium and large lead magnet for your offerings.

Jen Green:

Utilize that real estate that you have.

Jen Green:

The other thing you can do is attach it to every single blog post that you write.

Jen Green:

Hey, if you liked what I wrote here, go download this thing.

Jen Green:

That's actually going to give you more information.

Jen Green:

If you create YouTube videos, if you have a podcast, if you post on social media, that is how you are going to get people on your email list by attaching those lead magnets to every single piece of content that you create.

Jen Green:

Because what that does does is it rounds everybody up into one place.

Jen Green:

The people who follow you on social media, the people who follow you on YouTube, the people who listen to your podcast, the people who just happen to land on your website.

Jen Green:

Maybe you've got killer SEO.

Jen Green:

Those people will all round up on your email marketing list.

Jen Green:

And like we learned with data over drama, that is where you're going to get your biggest return on investment.

Jen Green:

The second best way that you can promote your freebie, like your business depends on it, is from borrowing other people's audiences.

Jen Green:

Okay, I know half of you just cringe.

Jen Green:

I get it.

Jen Green:

It's not fun to pitch.

Jen Green:

It makes you feel uncomfortable.

Jen Green:

You're like, oh, I don't want to bother people.

Jen Green:

And maybe you have this, like, person up on a pedestal and you're worried about approaching them even though you know that you could help their audience.

Jen Green:

I want you to think of it that way.

Jen Green:

You are offering a service for free.

Jen Green:

You are trying to help this other person's audience for free.

Jen Green:

You know that what you do could either take them to the next step, the next level.

Jen Green:

It could run alongside what they're currently learning.

Jen Green:

With this other person, you are being of service.

Jen Green:

You are giving value.

Jen Green:

It doesn't have to be sleazy or skeezy at all.

Jen Green:

So when you borrow other people's audiences, you can do what I'm doing right now, which is guesting on Jordan's podcast, offering a ton of value.

Jen Green:

Because I know that her audience and the people who listens to her podcast are people who need email marketing support.

Jen Green:

Either they have an email marketing list and it's not really working, or they just want new things, they want to freshen it up.

Jen Green:

The other thing you can do that have worked really well for me this year is bundles and summits.

Jen Green:

Is everybody who signs up for your email list from a bundle going to be a great perfect match?

Jen Green:


Jen Green:

Often people join bundles and summits because they want free things.

Jen Green:

But I'm telling you that if you get 300 subscribers from a bundle and even five of those turn into a buyer or someone who wants your product or service, that is still a huge win.

Jen Green:

Same thing with summits.

Jen Green:

The other thing you can do is guest as a teacher in someone's group program.

Jen Green:

So let's say I know a social media manager who teaches social media marketing and how to sell and nurture on social media.

Jen Green:

That is a great audience for me because I can teach them how to get people off of social media and also onto their email list.

Jen Green:

So not only are they getting the visibility marketing that they get from social media, which is great, but they are going to get that nurture and sell piece that comes with email marketing itself.

Jen Green:

So I could go into that person's program, do a whole workshop for their audience.

Jen Green:

At the end of that workshop, say, I have this specific lead magnet that is going to help you get people off of social media onto your email list.

Jen Green:

Bob's your uncle.

Jen Green:

So these are a bunch of ways that you can borrow other people's audiences while also offering value.

Jen Green:

Not feeling kind of creeped out by pitching people, but you don't have to be offering free things all of the time.

Jen Green:

You can also say, every single week, I email my audience the following information.

Jen Green:

I just want you to join my list because then you're going to get all of this goodness every single week.

Jen Green:

I'm going to guide you towards, let's say, making more money with your emails.

Jen Green:

So if you get on my list, you already know that you're going to get value from just being on there.

Jen Green:

This is an approach that more and more people are taking.

Jen Green:

For the people who think that lead magnets are dead, here's what I have to say.

Jen Green:

I sign up for everybody's lead magnet.

Jen Green:

It's research for me.

Jen Green:

It's how I can learn to do better in my business and for my clients.

Jen Green:

And what I am seeing is the lead magnets that I am downloading are less and less valuable.

Jen Green:

They feel really thrown together to me.

Jen Green:

They don't feel like someone is actually sitting down and saying, okay, what is this free thing that I can offer that can genuinely solve a problem for this person?

Jen Green:

This is a test run.

Jen Green:

Your lead magnet is a way for people to say, do I like this person?

Jen Green:

Do I like their framework in the process and do I trust them?

Jen Green:

Do they know what they're talking about?

Jen Green:

And so if you offer a lead magnet that actually doesn't give them anything or gain them anything or show them anything about you and your process and what you do, those aren't going to convert to sales.

Jen Green:

If you want to learn more about my lead magnet strategy, in particular how to grow your email marketing list, because it is one of the big pillars, one of the big buckets that you have to have with email marketing, I have a masterclass called how to get your next 100 subscribers.

Jen Green:

This masterclass is for people who have a list who feels a little bit stagnant or who grew a little bit from the beginning and then kind of left their email marketing alone.

Jen Green:

This is going to dive even deeper into the things that I've told you about today.

Jen Green:

So you, you can go download that on my website@thegen systems saved me.

Jen Green:

Thegen systems saved me.

Jen Green:

I've got a whole host of freebies there for you.

Jen Green:

Make sure to stay tuned.

Jen Green:

Next week we are talking all things nurture and sales for email marketing.

Jen Green:

Thanks for hanging out with me today.

Jordan Gill:

So good, right?

Jordan Gill:

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the System Save Me podcast.

Jordan Gill:

If you you loved this episode, I would so appreciate a review on whatever platform you're listening on.

Jordan Gill:

But also go love on the guest host.

Jordan Gill:

Connect with them on Instagram, LinkedIn or wherever they suggested to reach out.

Jordan Gill:

I hope you're having a great day and I will see you on the next episode.

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About the Podcast

Systems Saved Me®
Entrepreneurship is meant to give you freedom and flexibility - but how does that actually happen? Systems of course! On the Systems Saved Me® podcast, each week top ranking podcast host and multi-million dollar business mentor Jordan Gill lifts the hood to show you behind the scenes of successful businesses with freedom at its core. This podcast features guest interviews, digestible strategies, and thought-provoking prompts for you to build a life-first business too. Follow Jordan @systemssavedme on Instagram for daily advice and strategies on building an online business. Subscribe to Systems Saved Me® Podcast and share the show with your biz besties!

About your host

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Jordan Gill